Email bounce rates are the number of emails that couldn’t reach the designated recipient because of it being blocked by the recipient’s server. Email bounces happen when they don’t reach their designated destination due to multiple reasons. Marketers face the problem of email bounces regularly which causes much damage to the company’s reputation in the market. In order to reduce the probability of your email bouncing one needs to understand why it happens so in the first place and then continue to find a suitable remedy to reduce the email bounce rate.
Major reasons why emails bounce:
– Invalid email addresses:
One of the primary reasons why email bounces happen is because of a written error in the recipient’s email domain.
– Email servers:
The recipient’s email server could be a big reason why your emails are bounced as they have the permission to block messages and emails and regard them as spam or junk.
– Poor content:
The presence of spam elements in the subject or the main body of the email could be why your emails are being considered as junk and are being bounced back to you.
– The reputation of IP addresses:
The Ip you are using to send out emails could be blacklisted from multiple servers because of its poor reputation and hence resulting in your emails being bounced.
Tips to reduce email bounce rate:
Creating good content: the need for engaging content is vital if you don’t want your emails to be bounced, better content quality is a proven method to reduce email bounce rate.
Regular examination of email deliverability:
Regular testing on your email marketing strategy could prove to bear fruit as one way might work better in the future than it is right now, to have a continuous analysis of your campaign is necessary in order to reduce email bounce rate.
Verifying email addresses:
One of the proven and most convenient ways to reduce email bounce rates is to confirm if the email addresses in your list are valid or not. The use of email verifying tools is greatly encouraged to overcome this stepping stone.
Updating your subscriber list:
In most cases, the email bounce rate happens due to bad lists which are too messy to distinguish between relevant and junk emails. It’s vital for one to update the list regularly and to stay in contact with your subscribers.
Using a reputable email provider:
An email service provider with a clean and serene image can go a long way, a reputable provider can drastically help to stop the email bouncing phenomenon.
It’s imperative for one to take regular inventory of all their lists and other fields when it comes to email marketing campaigns in order to ensure that their emails aren’t being bounced back on a regular basis. One needs to follow the above steps in a methodical manner as they are proven to reduce email bounce rates for hundreds of campaigners worldwide. Simple checkups done continuously over periods of time can help you and your campaign to reach your goals and targets.