Excel has some hacks and tricks that enable the user to become an expert in using the excel spreadsheet. In the current excel version that is available, it is easy to master those tips. In this article, let us look into some of the Excel tips for becoming a spreadsheet pro. Have a look at Lio app for android
Line breaks and wrapping text: The wrapping text option allows the text to wrap at the edge of the cell that you are in, you can also size the column or the row to fit the text in it.
Paint cells to a new format: The format painter tool enables the formatting to be applied in multiple cells.
Flash fill, fastest fill alive: Here Excel will identify the same pattern and display it in the next cells. It will work easily with names, numbers, and dates, but if the data is difficult to recognize, you can go to the Data tab and click on the Flash Fill button
Ctrl+Shift to select: By using the Ctrl+Shift button one can easily select the database. By pressing Ctrl+Shift +End the cursor will jump to the rightmost cell that contains the data and the Ctrl+Shift +* will select the entire data set of cells and stop where there are blank cells.
Text to columns: The text that you have written in a cell can be broken down or separated either by commas, spaces, or by using a fixed width.
Auto-fill your cells: when the cursor turns into a plus sign, you can click and drag downwards, left, right, or up to fill the cells with the same pattern that you started with.
Paste Special to transpose: The rows can be converted to columns or columns to rows by transposing the data. Select paste special and check on the transpose box and click on ok.
Paste Special with formulas: The numbers that are in decimal format can be changed to a percentage by using paste special.
Multiple cells, same data: The same data can be entered again and again by clicking on the cells or by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking on each cell where you want the data to be copied.
Use graphics in charts: It supports graphics in various charts, clip art can also be pasted in an element.
Work with cells across sheets: It is called the 3D sum and it works when there are many sheets in a workbook that have the same basic layout.
Save charts as templates: The original charts can also be saved as templates.
Use a personal workbook for Macros: By storing the macro using a personal. XLSB will be available in spreadsheet files at all times.
Hide a whole sheet: Rather than deleting the sheet, it can be hidden and the data are still available for reference.
Hide in plain sight: Hiding a row or a column is easy by just clicking on the number header or letter and selecting hide.
Pivot! Pivot: Pivot table enables the user to narrow down the data. For example one student data for a month from the entire set of databases.
Validate data to make dropdowns: It is helpful to make selections for any particular cell, the data range can be given, and error messages can be set if wrong data is entered it will warn.
Conditional format: This allows the user to format the database by highlighting, coloring, applying borders, etc.
It also has many other attractive formatting features like Inserting excel data into word, Screenshot Insertion, Performing quick Analysis, Using the Excel shortcut keys, $ to prevent shift, Quickly and without formulas, a New window for the second view, Freezing headers for scrolling, etc.